From The Soul

Happy 2023 From Soul!

Happy 2023 From Soul!

Are we still allowed to say that now or is it too far through the year already? Well it’s the first blog of the year so I’m deciding that it IS still ok to say.

As you might have seen from our social media, there have been some BIG changes for Soul already this year!
We’ve moved out of our original unit and into a new, albeit slightly smaller, space.

This time last year marked three years at the place I called my second home and now I’m saying goodbye to it, so it has been a little bit of a roller coaster move, with some big feelings and emotions! But the move marks the start of a new chapter for Soul and I’m so excited to see where 2023 takes us - we have big plans!

I’ve come into the new year with a big focus on positivity and making the best of what has been a tricky few years for small businesses. First COVID, now the cost of living crisis -it’s been a tough time for those of us hustling to make our businesses succeed! But moving into this slightly smaller space protects my little business and enables me to keep costs as low as possible and accessible to so many more of you.

🎶 ‘Ain’t nothing gonna break my soul’ 🎶

So our new home is in Newport - which means anyone local can pop in and see me much easier! I’ve spent the last week or so adding all the finishing touches to the space and it is feeling so pretty.

A big heartfelt thank you to everyone who has sent messages of support and encouragement on my recent posts about the new workspace. I’m finally all set up and up and running in our new home and I’ve got a smile on my face ready to tackle whatever this year throws at me!

I’ve put a real focus on self care over the last few weeks as I move through all of these changes and I’ve been really enjoying winding down in the evenings with our best selling bath bombs. Packed with essential oils with an amazing scent and of course - that all important FIZZ when you drop it in! As you know, Soul isn’t just about fragrance for me, it’s about wellbeing and helping as many people as possible.

So regardless of where we’re based - I’m proud to be able to continue to do that! Happy 2023 everyone - let’s smash it together!


Gem x
