From The Soul

Celebrating those little wins with Soul

Celebrating those little wins with Soul

The summer holidays are both wonderful and stressful in equal measure I think, because you want to make memories with your children and enjoy the weather, but my goodness it’s intense trying to keep everyone happy and occupied for 6 weeks straight! Somehow August has snuck up on us this year in all the chaos of the holidays, but we don’t mind because it’s a really exciting month for us here at Soul HQ. This August we’re celebrating a year of both Recover and a year of our Bath Fizzers! An incredible milestone that I am so, so proud of. 

The scent of Recover was born from the success of our Relax range. 

We took the spa-like scent of Relax and added a summer twist, to create the most perfect fresh summer fragrance, which also helps aid stress and depression and improves mental health and hormone imbalance! The scent is simply perfect for this time of year because thyme, rosemary and citronella are all strong insect repellents, so you can enjoy the summer sun in peace, but also because of its incredible stress relieving benefits - and we all know the school holidays are stressful! Our bath fizzers take all the benefits of our various ranges and combine them with the already amazing ritual of a nice hot bath - the ultimate act of self care. The scent pay off is incredible and they make your skin SO soft! 

I’m a big believer in celebrating all milestones, no matter how big or small. 

The big ones are a given, we celebrate the usual ones like birthdays, wedding anniversaries, first steps, first jobs…but I think we should give the little things that same amount of celebration! Overcoming a fear or hitting a target, no matter how small deserves acknowledgement!

For me, I get nervous about launching something new. 

No matter how confident I feel in the product, there is always that element of doubt, which I’m sure all business owners will relate to. So I am personally SO proud of how much you have all loved both our Bath Fizzers and our  Recover range. The feedback we have had on both is so wonderful and honestly, it makes me so proud to know how much it is helping so many of you. 

It’s all too easy to put yourself to the bottom of the pile…

Especially when you’re in the depths of the summer holiday madness! But here I am giving you permission to celebrate every little thing that’s made you proud of yourself recently. Family picnic with no arguing? Light a candle and pour yourself a glass of wine! Nailed that big presentation in the office? Treat yourself to a celebratory dinner! Managing to work whilst juggling childcare this summer? Run yourself a hot bath and drop in a bath fizzer because you deserve it. 

Celebrate those little wins ladies, because you should be your own biggest fan!
