From The Soul

Back to School with Soul

Back to School with Soul

With the end of the summer holidays in sight, we’re nearly at the start of a new school term. September always feels like a fresh start to me – more so than the 1st January somehow!

The feeling of a fresh start is such a great opportunity to try and develop some new self-care habits, and with this in mind, I wanted to offer a few top tips that have really helped me over the years.

Develop New Habits

September is a great time to start a new routine and a really clever way to do this is ‘habit stacking’.

In essence, you tag on a new habit, onto something that you already do routinely. For example, every time you pour yourself a cup of tea, you add on the habit of sitting quietly for two minutes and meditating or quietly reflecting on the day. Or how about, every time you remove your make up at night, you add on the habit of giving yourself a little facial massage with your moisturiser – really taking the time to intentionally work it into your skin. One I use regularly is as soon as I have finished tidying up in the evening and just before I sit down to watch TV or read a book, I light a candle. To me now, the lit candle signifies being ‘done’ for the day and instantly relaxes me.

Habit stacking is a really smart way to add little moments of self-care to your day, to the point where they become routine. If you want to do a little extra reading on this, there a brilliant article (and book) by a guy called James Clear who explains it all brilliantly and I really recommend it.

Brain Dump!

September is the start of the run up to Christmas isn’t it really? And surely, I’m not the only one who every single year tells myself that this is the year I’m going to be organised well in advance and yet every year somehow, I’m still wrapping gifts on Christmas Eve instead of enjoying the festive season with my family. But I’ve finally found something that helps.

Starting in September make a list that takes you to the end of the year. Birthdays, that are coming up and what you need to buy for them, Christmas presents and cards you need to buy, festive events you want to take the kids to, nights out you want to organise. Basically, do a big brain dump that takes you to the end of the year. Just the process of writing it down helps clear a little bit of space in your brain for organising how you’re actually going to get all of this done. And don’t feel like you have to do it all on your own, write it down and sit with your family and figure out who is going to do what.

Prioritise YOU

Stop leaving yourself till last! This ‘fresh start’ is a great time to re-evaluate your priorities – and you really ought to be one of them. Give yourself permission to do things you enjoy. Sit down with your calendar and actively plan in days where you can do something just for you – you deserve it! This is the busiest time of the year so choose to slow down and enjoy it with loved ones. Everything else can wait.


So as much as I crave the sunshine and warmer months, the end of the summer holidays is also the start of a season with so much coming up to look forward to and I can’t wait to share it with all of my lovely customers. For day-to-day updates on what I’m up to, you can always find me over on Instagram stories so please do go and give me a follow.



